Procrastination At It’s Best :/

Hello Hello good evening everyone!

I’m Winnie and I love to PROCRASTINATE 

So since my laptop is running low on battery I decided to stop studying for awhile for my laptop to charge cause the charger is too far away from the study table. (Good excuse to slack)

Initially wanted to head over to the airport to study. I even got up, showered and kinda changed. But NOO. The bed had to be so comfortable and food had to come. So yea..while waiting for my hair to dry and for food to arrive I actually fell back to sleep. What a pig seriously. ‘Officially’ woke up at 1 pm -.- when I was suppose to be awake at 11. Kept on snoozing arh. Then the skies decided that it was a good time to rain at 2pm. An even better excuse for me not to go out :/ yep so I stayed home the whole day wasted my time away. Started looking through the window’s store then it was TV time LOL. WASTING MY TIME AWAY LIKE I HAVE A LOT OF TIME IN HAND.

Finally thought that it was time I studied. Went to the lappy and got distracted by twitter an the smell of my Grandma’s cooking:/ WHY AM I SUCH A PIG.

Okay la, in the end I did study abit okay. Like abit. I think i really need someone to nag at me for me to feel stressed and start studying. I ACTUALLY DO FEEL STRESSED, I just don’t feel that will to study ): This is not good. I was actually complaining to Sly about needing somebody to scold me LOL.

The lappy was running low on battery and I decided to do this short post lo, and there isn’t any picture related to this post so I took some with my webcam HAHA YAYY to webcam toy 😀


Ignore that pimple thanks. Its been bothering me since forever:/ and the one on the side of my nose bridge as well (which cannot be seen MUAHAH) I hate pimples. I MEAN, WHO LIKES THEM RIGHT.


Its the night vision effect! I actually like this effect a lot. Just that I wont use it at night.. HAHA especially not now.

ImageHello glowing forehead :/ I like this picture though HAHHA

I realised my eyebrows are never on the same level. Cause I’ve got a scar above my right eyebrow. So the scar is kind of hindering the movement of my right eyebrow? If that makes sense HAHA. ENOUGH OF MY WEIRDNESS.

HOKAY going for dinner now! Whoopdiedoo~ I’m always hungry. I need help. Gaining weight like nobody’s business. Actually it really isn’t anybody’s business also la HAHA

Happy Study Week Guys~