Hello Hello!

I’m back from another day studying at the Airport! It was productive at first, then after that I got tired HAHA so I watched running man. 

I realised time pass really fast when I’m doing math. Had corncup from mcdee as teabreak. I seriously dont undertand why mcdee calls thir corncup ‘corncup’. I mean isnt it called cup corn? there was once i went to the counter and ordered ‘cupcorn’ the person gave me the HUH look. I mean cupcorn corncup. SAME. Same thing with Milk Green Tea and Green Milk Tea. ARH. Oh ya and that Dog Lucius didnt want to take my corncup money. DOG. 

Left early to meet the family for dinner, at the airport, and had Ramen! And I had this awkward moment with the young men behind the counter LOL. I ordered my food then they kept smiling at me HAHA. okay lor smile back. ANYWAY was really craving for some brownie and ice cream but I wasnt able to satisfy that craving ): 

OHOHOH if you were wondering why this post is titled #PCSLOVE, Its cause I’ve just found out something HAHA. PCS = Poi Ching School. Its the primary school I went to. OMG I just found out that so many of my GLs and fellow freshies that werent in my batch are from PCS HEHE. chanced upon TimKor’s Insta 20 facts tag and I saw ‘PCS’ I was so happy LOLi commented ‘PCS like Poi Ching School?’ then Vivian and Samantha commented as well and us girls went crazy HAHA. So suprised HAHAH. and SiewYi, I knew in SCTC when I wore the PCS camp shirt (below) to meet them when we couldnt sleep.



Gonna finish up on my running man! Goodnight everyone! Have an early night, don’t burn midnight oil uh all!